World Congress of Families III: Securing the Future of Nations by Protecting the Natural Family

MEXICO CITY, Mexico -- The World Congress of Families III, in which 3,200 pro-family, Christian and political leaders convened for three days in Mexico City, closed with a unanimous agreement that ‘The Natural Family’ is what will secure the “Future of Nations,” Wednesday, March 31, 2004.

Several of the keynote speakers in the convention represented the organizations that are at the forefront in the battle to protect traditional marriage in America, such as the American Family Association, Christian Coalition of America, Concerned Women for America and Family Research Council.

“Any sexual behavior outside of marriage threatens the traditional family”, said Peter Sprigg, Senior Director of Policy Studies at the Family Research Council in Washington, DC. “Pornography, incest, premarital sex as well as homosexuality are destructive to families and individuals.”

“We are not homophobic and we do not hate homosexuals; on the contrary we want what is best for them. That is why we must oppose the radical gay agenda that has been attempting to “normalize” homosexual behavior since the early 1970’s,” he continued.

Sprigg’s views reflected that of millions of Americans who have fervently rallied to protect traditional marriage across the States.

The U.S. convener of the WCF III, Alan Carlson, also echoed Mr. Sprigg’s views during his keynote address on opening night.

Since homosexual marriage is a clear and present danger to the family – and the Congress is the largest international gathering of pro-family leaders and activists – the issue is high on everyone’s agenda,” noted Carlson.

“The theme of this Congress is ‘The Natural Family & The Future of Nations,’” Carlson added. “Governments don’t create families. They can recognize and nurture them, or destabilize and de-legitimize them. Homosexual marriage is the most potent weapon yet devised for the latter.

“Society’s essential work of raising the next generation will always be done by men and women, fathers and mothers, united in love – sanctioned by faith and tradition – in the stable environment of the family. Any competing models sanctioned by the state – including two men, two women or multiple partners – automatically undercuts real families and detracts from their vital mission,” continued Carlson.

More than 75 nations were represented at the WCFIII. The WCF, founded by people from across five continents, is an intercultural conference for encounter, reflection and dialogue. It seeks to build bridges and to construct together a world appropriate for the family by bringing together organizational leaders and people of good will who affirm the natural family as the fundamental societal unit and who wish to support and strengthen the family.