WorshipTogether.com’s latest Tuned-In Player

Want quick access to video and audio resources? Check out The Tuned-In Player from WorshipTogether.com to keep up to date with New Song Caf webisodes, interviews, tutorials to your favorite songs and much more. Just with one click, you can reach a unique player designed you’re your convenience. The site used RealOne and Windows Media to access the materials, so be sure you have that on your computer. The current archived New Song Caf Webisode is on Matt Redman featuring his song, “Blessed Be Your Name.” You can also now check out alive performance of David Crowder Band performing “O Praise Him (All this for a King)”

A recent development, this player is launched with hopes of bringing resources at one click. Please share your thoughts on this kind of player and let us know if it’s helpful to you or not. The culture of Christ is something very precious, and for the world to change, the worldly popular culture must be purified through the culture of Christ. With more developments in the Christian society as a whole, altogether Christians can hold onto the promise of God.