Youth Converts Governmental work to Gospel

TAIWAN - Lien Chia-un, a member of Glory Star Presbyterian Church in Taipei, was selected to perform "alternative service" instead of military duties following his graduation from college. The government sent him as a medical assistant to Burkina Faso, in Central Africa. While there he instituted a "Garbage for Clothing" exchange program.

He recently returned home for the New Year holidays. On February 9th he spoke at Shuang Lien Presbyterian Church in Taipei, describing his experience and urging others to continue and complete what he had begun.

He said, "The year and a half that I spent in this work seems like a short time." The Rev. Hwang Hsian-kwang, pastor of Glory Star, spoke from Psalm 20, verse 7 "Some boast of chariots, and some of horses, but we boast of the name of the Lord our God."

He emphasized that the work done in Africa was not to the glory of an individual or of a congregation, but to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Under divine inspiration the clothing for the exchange program had been provided by many churches in Taiwan.

Mr. Lien will return to Africa to finish out his term until June. He says that he hopes to continue there for another year, continuing the gospel work he has begun. His experience has taught him that there are many people in Taiwan who will be his co-workers in service for the sake of the gospel.

For more information: Glory Star Presbyterian Church

By Lin Yi-ying. Translated by David Alexander