Tag : Christian rights
Russian Church title : Religious, New Persecution Law In Russia: Thousands of Church Members Fast, Pray
summary : Since Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an anti-terrorism law, Christians among the country's churches have been praying and fasting to come together to cry out to God. While the bill was placed under the umbrella of "terrorism and extremism," most of the punishable, new crimes are related to worshipping at home, not reporting religious activity to authorities and not discussing God with non-believers.
date : Jul 09, 2016 10:09 AM EDT
title : Controversial 'Jesus Sign' in East Texas Prompts Showdown of Christian Versus First Amendment Rights
summary : After leaders of a small Texas town were faced with a lawsuit from Freedom From Religion Foundation over a religious-themed greeting sign to the city of Hawkins, other communities rallied to support the concept that Jesus is welcome in East Texas. Now city officials are on the path to sue church representatives who believe they took over the property on which the sign was erected. Which entity that holds a clear title to the property is still in question.
date : Dec 30, 2015 01:19 PM EST
Donald Trump title : Christians Remain Divided about Donald Trump Despite His Vows to Take Up The Cudgels for Christian Rights in America
summary : His non-PC stance has earned him both positive and negative mileage in publicity, and to many Republicans and conservatives, Donald Trump, real estate mogul and reality TV star, may seem like a presidential candidate who dares stand up for Christian rights in secular America, for once.
date : Oct 08, 2015 05:44 PM EDT
Indiana Religious Freedom Bill title : Maine Trustee: Future of U.S. in Peril If Rights Of Christians Are Ignored
summary : Don Roberts, a trustee of the Greater Augusta Utility District, wrote a column asking legislators in Maine to consider the rights of Christians in that state, considering that they are under attack all over the world.
date : Apr 24, 2015 06:03 PM EDT