''Love is Heaven'': Blackie and Fan Fan Cheer for the River of Life Foundation

May 27, 2012 11:58 AM EDT

The greatly anticipated “Love is Heaven” River of Life Foundation Charity Musical Gala has successfully been launched on Friday (the 18th) at the River of Life Christian Church, with the support of performing artists such as Blackie and Fan Fan. An evening of lively music and stories of love brought about abundant blessings to our audience.

The “Love is Heaven” evening gala opened with North American Gospel singer Annie Lei, who performed a few pop Gospel songs with lively melodies, giving praise to God’s love and how it has given man power in life. Following this was the appearance of Native Taiwanese country musician Wang Hong En (Biung Tak-Banuaz). His unique style of music was a refreshing breeze to the North American audience. Besides, his overwhelming friendliness had served to really shorten the distance between him and the audience. It was a climactic moment when he invited his good friend Blackie to the stage.

Blackie and Wang, besides being famous artists in the Taiwan Entertainment Industry, also share another characteristic: they are both Christians who are active in giving back to society. The reason why these two strangers can become good friends like brothers is because of an interview that accompanied the World Vision tour to Laos.

Blackie stated that Wang also received assistance from World Vision while growing up in a farming community and wanted to give back now that he had the ability to. He had been very supportive of the World vision, and had even dedicated an album to raise funds for the education of Native residents' children.

Wang also shared the heart-warming story between him and his grandma. From first focusing on making Native music to achieving fame in the Taipei community, he has experienced many trials and tribulations. But he always remembers what grandma has told him, that whenever you feel sad, sing to the moon, then grandma will hear you and pray for you. This is the power of love that has travelled the hardest roads in the music industry with him. Finally, he sang the song "Moon", bringing with him the audience in search of the one whom he missed.

The finale was marked by the appearance of "Fan Fan" Christine Fan. Fan Fan had been busy producing her newest album, but still found time to come and support the fundraising event hosted by River of Life Foundation. She took this opportunity to introduce the brand new 3-year production of "Love Life", which surrounds the stories of three terminal cancer patients in ward number 93, with aims to encourage our youths to treasure life. Many were overcome by tears. This documentary is available on Youtube, and has created quite an effect through China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. She and Blackie got invited during this time to the River of Life Foundation, and appreciated the unique opportunity to share Love Life with the Chinese community in North America. She is very grateful to be able to share this story of love. She hopes that Love Life will continue to be a testimony to God, and to spread the praise to God all over the world.

Blackie also mentioned that the 3.5-year production of Love Life required much time and effort, and together with many good friends in the entertainment industry, had finally been accomplished. He wishes that people can look past the famous faces in this documentary, and see God. He emphasizes that Love Life is not a charity organization, and that it does not accept monetary donations. Love Life is an Action of Love, which brings out that charity does not always have to involve money, especially for those who have limited financial resources (such as our youths), who can then give their talents, time, and so forth in order to express love. Love Life encourages our youths to love their lives, and through this love, radiate the power and abilities that they have attained to give back to the world, and to help the people in need. He strongly encourages everyone to watch Love Life on Youtube for free, to recommend it to friends, and to cheer for life. This is the greatest way to participate.

Blackie has also participated in the production of the loving family movie "Miraculous Journey" in 2009 in collaboration with the River of Life Foundation, and to that, he was impressed with the charitable work by the Life River foundation, not only pertaining to helping the poor in the local society, but also actively involving in fund raising for places around the world afflicted by natural disasters. For example, in 2009 during the Taiwan "88" flooding event, the River of Life Foundation has brought donations from North America to Taiwan to help save the residents of the mountainous regions, where many have benefited. He has seen with his own eyes how the Life River Foundation has brought power to the Chinese community, and is looking forward to more opportunities to collaborate with them. He encourages everyone to be generous in their donations to the foundation, so that these actions of love can continue.

Towards the end of the evening, Fan Fan and Wang performed a duet of Psalm 23, a special version performed at Fan Fan and Blackie's wedding in the past year. The evening ended with peace, warmth, and love. The final showing of "Love is Heaven" is scheduled on Saturday (the 19th) at 7 pm.

[Editor's note: Carol Lee translated the article.]